integrative harm reduction psychotherapy

Essentials Training

Comprehensive Training for Integrating Harm Reduction Principles into Group and Individual Therapy

September 19-21, 2024

Silver Hill Hospital
New Canaan, CT

10 AM- 4:30 PM (EDT)

Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) brings a therapeutic orientation to harm reduction settings, a harm reduction frame to treatment settings and informs all phases of psychedelic-assisted therapy.This training offers a re-humanized view of people who use drugs and problematic substance use and a comprehensive overview of IHRP and its seven therapeutic tasks. You will learn the clinical rationale and supporting theory for IHRP, as well as practical skills and strategies you can apply in clinical settings with various populations. This course consists of a combination of lectures, role-plays, case examples, and discussions. IHRP can be adapted to the work of mental health and substance use professionals and harm reduction counselors, case managers, outreach workers, and peer support specialists. We invite diversity in all its beautiful forms into our training as it facilitates exploration, creativity, and learning. Join the global harm reduction movement and be part of the solution!


IHRP Essentials Training is co-sponsored by partners Silver Hill Hospital and The Silver Hill Academy for Research and Education. (SHARE)

Established in 1931, Silver Hill Hospital is a nationally recognized leader in the treatment of psychiatric and addiction disorders. The Hospital has 21 full-time board-certified psychiatrists and admits more than 3,000 adolescents and adults annually for disorders that include addiction, depression, trauma, anxiety, bipolar disorder, personality disorders and schizophrenia, among others. Located on 44 scenic acres in New Canaan, Connecticut, the Hospital is especially known for its expertise in treating complex conditions and co-occurring disorders in adults and adolescents.

Founded in 1976, Freedom Institute is an independent non-profit. We provide exceptional, highly-individualized, comprehensive treatment for people struggling with substance use disorders and underlying mental health issues. We pride ourselves on our innovative, evidence-based programs. Peer programming adds to our unique combination of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Relational Family Therapy, all proven to dramatically increase success rates for long-term sobriety, and an approach only offered at Freedom Institute.

The mission of the Silver Hill Academy for Research and Education (SHARE) is to provide education for mental health providers regarding the best available treatment in the care of complex mental disorders and addiction, and to stimulate curiosity for ongoing, lifelong learning. We accomplish this through our vision of establishing lasting relationships with mental health providers interested in learning and advancing together the frontier of our field through continued scholarship.

Course Objectives

  • Discuss the limitations of the disease model and abstinence-only framework

  • Discover the origins of harm reduction and its core principles

  • Outline the psychobiosocial, multiple meanings framework and how it informs our understanding of addictive behaviors

  • Demonstrate specific skills associated with the 7 Therapeutic Tasks of Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP)

  • Explain the fundamentals for conceptualizing, assessing, and treating substance misuse and other risky behaviors utilizing the IHRP model

  • Identify effective strategies to develop the therapeutic alliance and track interpersonal process issues (e.g., transference, countertransference)

  • Evaluate the impact of trauma on the development of addictive behaviors and how to integrate trauma-informed practices into treatment

  • Discuss mindfulness-based approaches to help manage emotions and foster self-regulation

  • Practice urge surfing and unwrapping the urge techniques for working with cravings

  • Develop personalized treatment plans for positive change

  • Summarize harm reduction practices for specific substances

Daily agenda

10 AM - 4:30 PM

9 AM - 10 AM | continental breakfast (Food provided)

10 AM | Session begins

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM | Break

1 PM - 2 PM | lunch (food provided)

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM | Break

Thursday, September 19

Today's objectives

  • Introductions

  • Training Overview

  • Clinical Challenges in Conceptualizing + Treating Addictive Behaviors

  • Scientific Revolution/Paradigm Change + Compassionate Pragmatism

  • Discussion of Harm Reduction Principles + Practices

  • Introduction to Harm Reduction Psychotherapy and IHRP

  • Overview of 7 Therapeutic Tasks of IHRP

friday, September 20

Today's objectives

  • Multiple Meanings Model

  • Impact of Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care

  • Psychobiosocial Understanding of Addictive Behaviors

  • Therapeutic Relationships and how they contribute to the healing process

  • Therapeutic Alliance + Engagement Skills

  • Enhancing Self-Management Skills: Building Skills for Awareness and Change

Saturday, September 21

Today's objectives

  • Mindfulness + Self-Compassion Practices

  • Assessment as Treatment: Microanalysis, Unwrapping the Urge

  • Embracing Ambivalence + Decisional Balance

  • Goal Setting + Creating Optimal Use Plan

  • Substance Use Management

  • Special Topics: Groups

  • Takeaway

early bird - $1100
Regular price- $1300

Please click the link to complete the pre-registration form. Once completed, you will be directed to the payment page.

We are now offering 4 installments via Paypal. Details at checkout.


We recommend you read Andrew Tatarsky's book, Harm Reduction Psychotherapy: A New Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Problems.

Meet the Trainer

Andrew Tatarsky, phd

Dr. Andrew Tatarsky has worked with people who struggle with drugs and their families for over 40 years. Andrew developed Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) for treating the spectrum of risky and addictive behavior. IHRP brings relational psychoanalysis, CBT and mindfulness together in a harm reduction frame. IHRP meets people where ever they are on their positive change journeys and works collaboratively to support people in discovering their truth and what goals and approach to positive change best suit them. The therapy has been described in his book, Harm Reduction Psychotherapy: A New Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Problems, and a series of papers. The book has been translated into Polish, Spanish and Russian. He holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the City University of New York and is a graduate of New York University’s Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He is a member of the Medical and Clinical Advisory Panels of the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Support. Andrew has trained individuals and organizations in 20 countries. His writing, teaching, clinical work and leadership aim to promote a re-humanized view of problematic substance use and a harm reduction continuum of care that will extend help to everyone who needs and wants it wherever they are ready to begin their positive change journeys.

Assistant Trainers

Dr. Dean Leone is a clinical psychologist who maintains a private practice in Westport and Guilford CT. He specializes in the treatment of individuals and couples who are challenged by substance misuse. Dean is certified in Integrated Harm Reduction Psychotherapy. He employs this model through an attachment-based and psychodynamic lens toward helping people renegotiate their relationship with substances. Dean is also certified in the Circle of Security Model for the treatment of attachment disorders. A past President and member of the Connecticut Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, he is also an active member of the American Psychological Association, Division 39.

James Amarante, PhD, MSW, LPC is in private practice in Norwalk, CT. He completed a master’s degree in clinical psychology and counseling as well as a master’s degree and PhD in social work at Fordham University. James has extensive training in relational psychoanalytic psychotherapy, trauma studies, Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy, ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, and psychedelic harm reduction and integration. He is also a certified teacher of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention. In addition to his work in private practice, James teaches research and clinical practice in the MSW program at Fordham University, leads groups on the integration of mindfulness, moderation, and psychedelics, and heads up the Psychedelic Data Project, where he collects and analyzes data related to the use of psychedelics for health and well-being.

training venue

Silver Hill Hospital
East Campus, Martin Center
208 Valley Road
New Canaan, CT 06840

Travel Info

Freedom Institute
[email protected]
(212) 838-0044

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